====== Organizations ======
The story is centered on [[characters#Dr. J Marvin Blackweather]]'s plans to build wealth and control. To support his goals, he has founded several **organizations**.
===== Emtanon =====
**[[https://emtanon.com|Emtanon Ltd]]** is a British corporation founded in 1975. Active in logistics, hardware, and software development, they are a front company for the illegal activities of [[#Marine Org]] and [[#WORM]].
Their operations include contract work like weather stations, construction of amusement parks, or sales of slot machines. They also market backdoored [[wp>Internet_of_things|IoT]] solutions to manufacturers of home appliances.
Emtanon indefinitely retains obsolete technology dating back to the 1970s. Additionally, their books and letters awkwardly refer to calendar years as "time periods".
{{ ::organizations:emtanon.png?256|}}
===== Marine Org =====
**Marine Org** is a paramilitary organization. They are basically [[characters#dr_j_marvin_blackweather|J]]'s task force for all his desires, and have no fixed objectives.
In August 2023, Marine Org established [[https://marineorg.com|a website]] and [[https://youtube.com/@marineorg|a YouTube channel]] to recruit zoomers. This strategy has been deemed a failure by December the same year. Nevertheless, in April 2024, they also created [[https://tiktok.com/@marine.org|a TikTok account]].
==== Assets ====
* //[[characters#AIR1]]//, //AIR2//: Two [[wp>Bombardier_Global_Express|Bombardier Global 6500]] jets, both modified to add an air drop capability
* //MO1//: Ship, which also houses a helicopter //HELI//
* //MO2//: Ship
* //[[characters#MO5]]//: Ship
* //MO6//: Ship
* //SHADOW//: Ship of Marine Org's super elite unit, the //Shadow Team//
* //MO4//: Ship, scuttled in December 2023 after suffering a mechanical failure and sending a distress signal
* //MO3//: Ship, lost in January 2024 after [[events:Operation Spice]]
* //FACILITY//: Ship, lost in February 2024 in the [[events:FACILITY Redemption]]
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===== WORM =====
The **World Organization for the Reform of Metorology** [sic] is mostly obscure. It conducts **Project MLPL**, a criminal endeavor with unclear objectives involving melting the Arctic with dozens of //MELTR// ships, stealing seeds from seed vaults, destroying crops with corn blight, and triggering power blackouts with backdoored home appliances. To support these operations, WORM has a worldwide network of field agents, whose tasks vary from passing documents to conducting sabotages.
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