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Pawnee Rock drop

Drop retrieved on August 6, 2023 by hockeyfrog.


The drop was placed sometime before August 4, 2023. The placement of this drop was discussed on the green terminal - it was meant for a rookie agent. It was quickly intercepted by counterop agent hockeyfrog who happened to be nearby.

Green terminal discussion


Pawnee Rock State Historic Site, KS, USA

Location on map

SSTV images of drop site:


A ziplock bag carrying an RFID wristband containing /+12078132200/+18084008484/234726/23198/9844525317924178996105/.

Each slash-delimited string is respectively:

  1. The AS27 phone number
  2. The Honolulu Tape Retrieval System phone number (not known prior to this drop)
  3. An AS32 agent code (containing M7 data decoding to NONE/EMTANON/WORM)
  4. A tape number for HTRS
  5. An unidentified number 984452 and a friendly code 53 17 92 41 78 99 61 05

Pictures of drop site and contents

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dead_drops/pawnee_rock_drop.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/04 18:34 by dae