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Gough Ceremony

The Gough ceremony took place on Gough Island on September 24, 2023 at 15:00 UTC. The event was broadcast over all agent systems, rendering them unusable for regular communication with WORM agents. The ceremony lasted about 20 minutes and included:

  • Dramatic helicopter entry by Dr. J Marvin Blackweather and his companion,
  • Memorial of the MELTR3 incident1) and the Delaware Tape Retrieval System fire, consisting of a minute of silence and a 33-gun salute,
  • Link-up to a sentecing hearing aboard FACILITY,
  • Surprise enlistment of Emtanon's Gough Island interns into the Marine Org.

The start was delayed by several minutes, and the connection unexpectedly dropped out 16 minutes in. The event was supposed to end with a grand speech by J, but was cut short by the South African Navy, who arrived to carry out a surprise audit of the Gough weather station.

During the memorial, SSTV images of MELTR3 crew were broadcast:

Captain Max “Riptide” Anderson Lt Cmd Amelia “Sea Serpent” Reynolds Chief Engineer Natalia Petrov Helmsman Carlos Ortega
Petty Officer Jack Mitchell Comms Officer Daniel Mitchell Agent Ai Bouerges Ensign Marcus Turner
The MELTR3 incident was one of the first events in the original OTP22 chronology, back in 2012. It involved a convoy of ships travelling through the Arctic. One of the ships, MELTR3, was attacked and sank by a pair of MiG aircraft. On board that ship was agent Ai Bouerges, who supposedly died in the incident. The counter-operation assumed her identity while interacting with the agent systems.
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events/gough_ceremony.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/19 18:12 by dae