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We Promise You

We Promise You is an original song, released as a single on streaming services during early-to-mid 2024.


We come together for a cause
We got the one time pad
To see it all unfold
XORFS encryption
Secrets untold

From here to far
We know where you are
We will find you (find you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)

Unbreakable encryption
Tracking position
Our assets move freely
That is our mission

From here to far
We know where you are
We will find you (find you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)

Our melters are strong
And are chugging along
We are melting the poles
While you argue the cause
Helping us achieve our goals

From here to far
We know where you are
We will find you (find you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)

From a top of Leskov
We will get what we want
Extorting world governments
In exchange for grid stability
Never solving our puzzlements

From here to far
We know where you are
We will find you (find you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)
From here to a afar
We know where you are
We will find you (find you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)
If you interfere
You will disappear
We promise you (promise you)

Release history

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we_promise_you.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/05 19:35 by dae