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Irving drop

Dead drop retrieved by Jennifer on December 4, 2024.


On November 30, Maria Peters was dispatched to place the drop in Region 6, due to a resident agent taking a Starbucks job while not getting paid by Emtanon. She announced the location on agent code 302 on December 4: OK ITS AT 32.8210 -97.0093 *_*.


Towne Lake Park, Irving, TX, USA

Approximate location on map


Ziploc bag containing a keychain Emtanon logo, a Marine Org sticker, and two *_* stickers. The Marine Org sticker has two NFC tags attached, which decode to an XZ-compressed MIDI file.

NFC tag 1


NFC tag 2


Pictures of drop contents

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dead_drops/irving_drop.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/05 08:29 by dae